Traffic behaviour
School has started for real and even though our timetables are still a bit dodgy we are getting by, I find the IB psychology rewarding to teach so far although it does entail a large amount of work. Posts might not be as frequent as I would've wished by I'll try to post something every now and again.
Something I was surprised about upon coming here is the Chinese behaviour in traffic, they're flat out nuts! Do you know how the Italians drive? Yeah, the Chinese are about four times worse. They drive fast and brake intensively if s another car cuts into their lane, which happens all the time. Sometimes I wonder if they have disabled their indicators or the purpose of having them doesn't occur to the Chinese. Here, they simply carry out constant chicken races, everybody thrusts their car into that 20 cm gap between the two cars in the other lane, simply expecting them to notice and back down. Some cars drive with about a 30 cm distance to other cars on their left and right. It's therefore strange to me that sever traffic accidents are rare. However, scraping of paint occurs all the more frequent!

In my folly I thought that people would cycle, as the all do in the many photos (see below) taken in China. None of that here though, people take buses, metro or go in cars. Scary to think what will happen to the planet when all the Chinese families wish to get a car, or like they do in the U.S, one car for every family member!

Something I was surprised about upon coming here is the Chinese behaviour in traffic, they're flat out nuts! Do you know how the Italians drive? Yeah, the Chinese are about four times worse. They drive fast and brake intensively if s another car cuts into their lane, which happens all the time. Sometimes I wonder if they have disabled their indicators or the purpose of having them doesn't occur to the Chinese. Here, they simply carry out constant chicken races, everybody thrusts their car into that 20 cm gap between the two cars in the other lane, simply expecting them to notice and back down. Some cars drive with about a 30 cm distance to other cars on their left and right. It's therefore strange to me that sever traffic accidents are rare. However, scraping of paint occurs all the more frequent!

In my folly I thought that people would cycle, as the all do in the many photos (see below) taken in China. None of that here though, people take buses, metro or go in cars. Scary to think what will happen to the planet when all the Chinese families wish to get a car, or like they do in the U.S, one car for every family member!

Postat av: Anders
Trafiken är verkligen underbar. Tutar de inte förskräckligt också? Själv sov jag med öronproppar i 6 månader =p Själv så lärde jag mig att säkrast över gatan är att inte tveka, =)
Postat av: Richard
@ Anders: Haha, jo en hel del tutande också men i de flesta länder så använder de tutan som en uppmärksmanhetsmarkör, typ "här är jag, kör inte på mig." så det var inte så oväntat. Man får definitivt inte tveka om man ska gå över gatan någonstans, sen att man är västerlänning hjälper i trafiken då kineser absolut inte vill köra på någon från väst!
Postat av: Alex
Hade det inte varit lättare om de hade importerat flygande mattor från Indien?!
Postat av: Kim Persson
Tycker om det du skrivit! Spännande att se en del fina grejer och inte bara det generella sakerna som man kan se om varenda dag. ;)